Sunday, August 28, 2011

learning together to be led by the Holy Spirit!!

I believe that Hurricane Irene is a dress rehearsel to prepare us for a time that is fast approaching.  I was awakened at 4:45 this morning to get to a safe place away from my home on the eastern end of Long Island.  I didn't want to be foolish and ignore the well-intentioned advice nor did I want to blindly submit to the fear mongers posing as journalists on all the tv channels.  I desired to sincerely do what was right for my personal situation.  I made myself a cup of coffee and waited for daylight to make my decision.  I found myself casually packing 1 outfit and some toiletries as well as a small box which held my important papers and my bible, and my pillow and blanket and placed everything on the kitchen table before considering my next step.  Within a short time, I knew what I was supposed to do.  I live in a 50 unit community of senior citizens with the oldest being in their 90's.  About 2/3 of the people were staying.  I then made the decision to wait out the storm in my be available if any of my neighbors needed help.

After giving my life to the Lord Jesus Christ many years ago, I often find myself at a crossroad and not knowing which way to turn.  My desire is to fully learn to be led by the Holy Spirit in matters large and small...knowing that my greatest protection is under the shadow of the wings of The Almighty.  And just as my Lord laid down His very life for me, I by His grace choose moment to moment to lay down my life for be self giving not self serving.

Today, I learned another lesson in the school of the Holy Spirit...I got myself prepared, willing to be obedient to wise counsel, and at the same time open to redirection.  In the process of movement, I was shown the next step "to love my neighbor as myself".  The freedom from life in Christ is that His word to us is always unique, always timely, always love.  What more can we ask for in times like these.

I am starting this blog to invite sincere believers desiring to support each other in heeding the Master's call "by the Spirit" learn together to eat from the "Tree of Life" be prepared to usher in the Kingdom of God/first in our hearts and then outward to humankind!!  to be a forum where people can "think out loud" and find clarity based on Truth!!

key 1: God speaks to our heart as there is openness to direction...a boat tied to the dock can't sail.
key 2: We often have to take 1 small step before He will show us the next step.
key 3: Sometimes, that step is right where we live.
key 4: The Lord feeds and leads us little lambs from His hand rather than as a herd of sheep from a common trough.

Thank you for reading...pray you are blessed!!

1 comment:

  1. His wisdom and leading is such an awesome gift...thank-you for sharing
